• Insurance - policyapki.com
    Insurance - policyapki.com


Insurance is the best investment against uncertainty. Statistics indicate that over 85% of the investments in insurance benefited the insured in terms of preventing losses to insurance holders up to Rs 6.21 trillion in India.  Without insurance this amount would have been a net loss to the people who did not insure themselves. The insurance aspect is particularly significant from a family man’s point of view to make the rational and logical decisions in the best interest of the family.    


In the world of information overload and clutter, consumers often find themselves and confused about products and particularly finance products. This leads to hasty decisions based on superficial parameters that seem beneficial in the short run, however only an expert with deep knowledge of financial products can help you get the best deal in the long run. Mr Sanjay Bhomia, the founder of Policyapki.com is the first finance entrepreneur who assures his clients for the best deal across the internet. Check out more about policyapki.com here.


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